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St Mary's Catholic High School


The assessment of students’ learning and progress is central to effective teaching and learning.

The purpose of assessment is:

  • to provide teachers, students and parents/carers with a continuous record of progress at Key Stages 3 and 4
  • to provide students with useful information regarding the success of their learning and to help them identify strengths and weaknesses and identify strategies for improvement
  • to motivate students by providing them with short and long-term targets
  • to provide teachers with useful information about their own effectiveness and so inform the planning of their teaching styles.

Through the reporting system, provide parents/carers with a clear picture of their child’s progress and achievements, identifying strengths and weaknesses and setting targets for development.

The Assessment Process

The assessing of students is an ongoing process and gathers evidence from a variety of sources:

  • classroom observation
  • written work in the classroom
  • homework
  • practicals
  • school internal tests and assessments
  • predictions based upon prior attainment
  • external examination including GCSE and BTEC examinations.


Internal Examinations

There are three internal examination periods on the school calendar for each year group (two for Year 11).

Key Stage 3 internal examinations take place in Sports Hall or Gym during the normal timetabled day.

Key Stage 4 internal examinations (Mocks) are timetabled over a two-week period and take place in ‘exam conditions’ in the Sports Hall or Gym.  Practical examinations, such as art and drama, are located elsewhere. 

Timetables for both Key Stages are published in advance on the school website.