Year 11s collect their GCSE Results
Warmest congratulations to our Year 11 students who collected their GCSE and BTEC results at school today. These students deserve much praise for their hard work, enthusiasm and commitment towards their studies, despite both years of their courses being severely disrupted by the enforced lockdowns. We are especially proud of the resilience that each one has shown, being determined to do their best at all times, meeting, or in most cases, exceeding expectations.
Their results enable our students to progress to the next stages of their careers, whether colleges, sixth forms or training, with great confidence. We always look forward to hearing how our former students progress once they leave St Mary’s, but this year’s cohort will be of particular interest to us for all they have endured.
GCSE Results
This year’s GCSE results were calculated solely on teacher assessment using a range of evidence, including:
- mock exams or other tests taken during the course
- questions provided by exam boards as a guide
- coursework and other non-exam assessments
- homework
- portfolios, for art or design subjects.
In order to come up with a fair grade for each student, the grades were subject to internal quality assurance within the school, before being signed off by the Headteacher and submitted to exam boards. As with the 2020 GCSE results, the Department for Education will not be publishing institution level data, including comparisons to previous years’ results and progress scores.