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St Mary's Catholic High School

GCSE and BTEC Results 2023

Warmest congratulations to our Year 11 students who collected their GCSE and BTEC Statements of Results earlier today. There was great excitement as they arrived to open their result envelopes as the contents would determine where they would head to in the coming weeks as they embark on Post-16 education and training.

As with previous years, the results reflect the immense amount of effort and hard work by the students and their teachers, along with the support of their parents, since they joined St Mary's. It is pleasing that the vast majority of our students achieved the grades they needed to progress to their chosen courses at local colleges and sixth forms.

We wish them all well in the months ahead and remind them that they will always be part of our St Mary's family. We look forward to following their progress in the years ahead, wherever they continue their educational journeys and careers.